Dado Derviskadic

Literary Agent


Dado Derviskadic is a Vice President and Literary Agent at Folio. His authors include Dr. Nicole LePera (How to Do The Work), Dr. Cate Shanahan (Deep Nutrition), Kelly and Juliet Starrett (Built to Move), Matt Alt (Pure Invention), Hiroko Yoda (Eight Million Ways to Happiness), John Birdsall (The Man Who Ate Too Much), Esteban Castillo (Chicano Eats), Naz Deravian (Bottom of the Pot), and many others. After interning with the New York Times in New York and China, he started his career in publishing as a Foreign Rights Director in Beijing, China, in 2009. In this role he acquired English language non-fiction for the growing Chinese market, including major works by Walter Isaacson (Steve Jobs), George W. Bush (Decision Points), Henry Kissinger (On China), and many more. Dado reads Chinese, Japanese and Bosnian, and holds a degree from Middlebury College in Chinese film history and Japanese literature. He loves working with writers who have a deep and singular insight into their chosen world.

In non-fiction, I am primarily interested in: cultural history; biography; art history; film; religion and spirituality; psychology; philosophy; pop science and motivational self-help; health and nutrition; pop culture and subcultures; fashion; and food narrative and cookbooks.

How to contact me:
Please submit queries to Please include the query letter and first ten pages of your manuscript or proposal in the body of the email. Please be sure to write QUERY in the subject line as this will ensure I do not miss your letter. Due to the volume of queries, if you do not hear back from me within four weeks, please assume that the project is not right for me.