Michael Harriot

Director of Contracts & Senior Vice President


Over the past 15 years, Michael’s client list has featured a variety of high-profile authors such as Yankee great Yogi Berra, Black Francis of the Pixies, Peter Criss of KISS, NBA Hall of Famer Oscar Robertson, Sopranos star Steve Schirripa, and former NAACP president Ben Jealous.

Other notable authors Michael has represented include Tony Fletcher (A LIGHT THAT NEVER GOES OUT), Josh Frank (FOOL THE WORLD), Zachary Jernigan (NO RETURN), Benjamin Lorr (HELL-BENT), and Jeff Salyards (SCOURGE OF THE BETRAYER).

Overall, Michael has represented or co-represented more than a dozen New York Times bestsellers. A graduate of Dartmouth College, he holds a BA in Film Studies.

The first thing I look for in an author is something valuable, thought-provoking, or entertaining to say—a compelling story or message we’ve never heard before or told from a completely new perspective. I like an author with a distinctive voice and a command of the craft, or someone committed to working with a quality co-writer to get his or her vision onto the page. Extra points for fearlessness, genuine quirkiness, or a dark sense of humor.

I’m not looking for screenplays, novellas, short stories, or books for children/young adults.

How to contact me:
Please submit queries via michael@foliolit.com and attach your proposal or the first three chapters of your manuscript.